Monday, July 21, 2008

Faith & Virtue

First some definitions.

American Heritage Dictionary on Faith (relevant def):
  1. Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence.
  2. The body of dogma of a religion: the Muslim faith.

American Heritage Dictionary on Virtue (relevant def):

  1. Moral excellence and righteousness; goodness.

No matter what god a theist believes in, no matter what religion a theist belongs to, you will always come to a point when the theist will say "But I have faith in that it's true". If you know what questions to ask, you will always reach this point. Always.

Why? Because the notion of a god or gods, is illogical and lacking in evidence.

And they say this with great pride. For them it's a virtue to have faith. The greater the faith, the greater the virtue. It's good. It's righteous. It's moral.

Sorry. It's simply ridiculous.

How can it be virtuous to have faith? How can it be good, righteous, and moral, to accept a reality that's illogical and without evidence?

My answer is No! What you get, when people takes things on faith and abandon reason, is intellectual dishonesty. On the extreme you get terrorists and science haters, on the moderate, you get deists.

What do you think? Please let me know. Please leave a comment.

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